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What do the COSHH regulations say?

COSHH Regulation 7 (1)

Every employer shall ensure that the exposure of his employees to substances hazardous to health is either prevented or, where this is not reasonably practicable, adequately controlled.
COSHH Regulation 9 (1)

Every employer who provides any control measure to meet the requirements of regulation 7 shall ensure that – a) in the case of plant and equipment, including engineering controls and personal protective equipment, it is maintained in an efficient state, in efficient working order, in good repair and in a clean condition; and (b) in the case of the provision of systems of work and supervision and of any other measure, it is reviewed at suitable intervals and revised if necessary
COSHH Regulation 9 (2)

 Where engineering controls are provided to meet the requirements of regulation 7, the employer shall ensure that thorough examination and testing of those controls is carried out –
(a) in the case of local exhaust ventilation plant, at least once every 14 months, or for local exhaust ventilation plant used in conjunction with a process specified in Column 1 of Schedule 4, at not more than the interval specified in the corresponding entry in Column 2 of that Schedule; or
(b) in any other case, at suitable intervals.
What does this mean for you?

Within the COSSH regulations and in The Management of Health and Safety at Work (MHSW) Regulations 1999, it states that the person(s) carrying out the work should be competent to do so. This means having the necessary, training, knowledge, theoretical and practical experience to provide the required service. At Tempest-One Ltd. we are proud to provide the highest level of certification, breadth of knowledge and experience to support you and your business.

It wont come as a surprise that getting things right at the design stage can save a lot of time and investment further into a project. 

Taking the time to even have a conversation with us could prove to be very beneficial,  our business is LEV so we spend almost all of our working time either on site or buried in the guidance documents and regulations surrounding LEV design. 



 LEV systems are not always cheap to install, maintaining these systems is protecting your investment and protecting your work force. We can provide you with a maintenance package to suit your system(s), this can include routine filter changes, periodic cleaning, fan and motor servicing and also include the annual Thorough Examination and Test (TExT).



The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 2002 states "Every employer shall ensure that the exposure of his employees to substances hazardous to health is either prevented or, where this is not reasonably practicable, adequately controlled.". Under this regulation you must have your control system testing and thorough examination carried out at least once in every 14 month period.



We know that its a minefield of information out there, we can come to your business and help you to find the best way to ensure you are being complaint with the law as a minimum but also to make sure you are giving the best protection to your workforce you can. Carrying out a review of your processes, hazards and controls could save you from investing in expensive systems and ongoing maintenance costs.


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